
The Boys

I woke up so early this morning that it was still dark. My dad drove Lita, Ciara, Rachel I down to our usual surf spot. After being in the water for only a few minutes, Slade (Rachel's boyfriend) paddles up to us and we went with him to the pier to surf with Jessie and some of our other guy friends too. Rachel was scared that if she fell then the guys would laugh at her, so she didn't paddle for many waves. I caught quite a few really nice waves. The most amazing thing ever was when I caught a double up. I dropped down onto the wave and then I realized I was on top of another wave so I dropped down again. 

Later on, we went to where the water was waist-deep to teach Lita and Ciara. We'd tell them when to paddle and how and when to stand. I guess we were a little too close to shore because when we were loading the boards into the bakkie I saw that one of my fins snapped off. A new one costs R700. Any donations? 

This is Jason (left) and Slade (right)

This is a surfboard bike rack that I'm going to build with my dad (once he fixes my bike). With this I will be able to ride my bike to close beaches once I'm a confident surfer. Check out how to build it here.

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